
FAQ Help

My card has been billed as Symbios Solutions, what is it for?

We service over 5 million dating and social networking customers globally on a variety of different sites spanning across the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, United States and many more. 

If you have a transaction that you do not recognise, please contact us using the form below.  Our customer service department will be delighted to get back to you with the exact details of your purchase or answer any questions that you might have.

Our team works from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and we aim to reply to enquiries during these times within 24 hours. Alternatively you can contact us during these hours on +44370 490 0000.

Contact us

Please note there are also several other companies globally also calling themselves Symbios Solutions that we are not affiliated with in any way.